Thursday, September 27, 2007

Don't these people have jobs?

Owing to the mercifully quiet week at work, my now short commute, and an all-too-rare occurrence of J. actually making dinner, I went cycling after work yesterday. I'm no Lance Armstrong, obviously, but I felt like I pushed it pretty hard -- I am certainly feeling it in my thighs this morning, and I passed more than I was passed. In two hours, after all the traffic lights and transitions between trails were accounted for, I was able to get in around 18 miles (home to just past the East Falls Church Metro and back). I got back around 7:20, just in time for a quick shower and J.'s delicious ochazuke (Japanese salmon and green tea soup). Not a time-maximizing workout. So how do dedicated cyclists put in enough miles in a week to get a consistent workout? If cycling is your primary form of exercise, I reckon you would have to go out at least three times a week, for at least three hours at a time (20-25 miles), preferably longer as your body adjusts to the requirements of your typical ride and begins to maximize its own efficiency. Where do they find the time? I suppose they probably don't cook dinner from fresh ingredients every night, don't read books, and do all their chores on weekends. Come to think of it, that's true of the vast majority of people out there -- at least a handful of them is cycling instead of veging out in front of the television.


Steve said...

One well-known author has said as much: "I suspect I have spent just about exactly as much time actually writing as the average person my age has spent watching television, and that, as much as anything, may be the real secret here."

Still, I couldn't pull myself away from "Top Chef" last night for the book I'm enjoying, Project Euler, or anything on my list of chores.

Tony said...

Ah, the good fortune of having access to cable television... I would not be cycling if I could watch cooking shows instead.

Anonymous said...

I have to know, how do you get your butt off the couch and out there to go cycling? I'm in high school now and I really need to lose weight so I can play basketball but my bottom is so secured to my couch you can't tell where couch starts and butt ends... any replies would be appreciated

Tony said...

Well, the only advice I can give, and it's really no advice at all, is "just do it." Seriously, whatever you decide to do as exercise, you have to enjoy it and think it's fun. Willpower and effort are important, obviously, but you have to receive some enjoyment from the activity itself. I can also tell you that cycling by itself is not going to lose you a lot of weight, at least not at the intensity at which I cycle. You will probably need something that burns more calories, like a combination of running and weight-training.