Sunday, August 31, 2008


I know I keep promising to keep politics out of here and fail, but this is an election year after all, and for the first time in my life I live in a state that's expected to be competitive in the general election, I need to start worrying about this stuff.

In his speech accepting the Democratic nomination, Obama has said (as quoted by the WaPo):
America, we cannot turn back, not with so much work to be done, not with so many children to educate and so many veterans to care for, not with an economy to fix and cities to rebuild and farms to save, not with so many families to protect and so many lives to mend

Where oh where did he find that it is the government's job to do any of these things?!?!


Jane Arizona said...

Did he say that it was?

Tony said...

Well, he implied that it was merely by including it in his speech, didn't he?

Aimee said...

No Child Left Behind; VA Hospitals...the government has it's hands in all this stuff in one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Wait, you really don't think the government should provide care for veterans or public education?

Anonymous said...

Doh, that last comment should read "Should NOT", I forgot that not. Kinda important.

Tony said...

The government definitely should provide care for veterans, with two caveats. There ought to be far fewer veterans. And while it is reasonable for the government to pay for it for the most part, I do not think they should manage it, since they can't do it properly and are not likely to learn. As for public education, the case is far less solid, I think, especially where Federal government is concerned. I really do think there is more of a place for a market in education than we currently have. At the very least, the government has no business setting standards and spending millions of taxpayer dollars mis-enfocring them.