Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Etiquette quandary

I am seeking advice from my paltry readership (paltry in quantity, certainly not in quality). What is the proper response when someone I know has a terrible tragedy in their life and I find out about it through that person's blog? This is not a close friend, but somewhat more than a casual acquaintance, I would say. I know the person enough to send a Christmas or a birthday card, though we have not seen each other in quite some time now. What, if anything, is the appropriate thing to do? Do I send a sympathy card? Or would that be presumptuous because I did not get the news directly? A sympathy e-mail? A comment on the original blog entry? That seems far less than the occasion calls for. I would greatly appreciate any advice.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I would say that whatever you would do if you heard the news from a more typical channel would still be appropriate. At least there's no question about the matter being personal and private.

It also occurs to me that someone who blogs about a tragedy will not likely insist on following conventions of commiseration. A phone call, or a card, then?