Monday, December 17, 2007

Napoleon vs. Napoleon

Our detachment from history and the subversion of the relative hierarchy of intellectual references is complete.

There is an executive at my company. He is a very small man – shorter than me by several inches (and I am not tall), skinny, with small, beady eyes and an equally small quantity of hair on his head. Though I don't know him well, based on my few interactions with him he seems to compensate for his small stature by being unpleasant and inconsiderate. I was at an office holiday party last week at which he was also present. A colleague, standing next to me, pointed him out and commented that he didn't know much about him. “I don't either, “ I replied, “but Napoleon comes to mind.” The colleague gave me a quizzical look. Then, after a few seconds, a look of recognition. “Oh, Napoleon... for a second I thought Kip.” It was my turn to look quizzical. “Napoleon Dynamite,” the colleague said, “the brother.” I don't care if Kip Dynamite is a spitting image of the short executive – this is just depressing.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Hahahaha! I don't think it's depressing. I think it's hilarious. So hilarious. For goodness sakes, if I'd been present I would have spit wine out my nose laughing.